The Future of Workspaces: Adapting Commercial Properties for Remote and Hybrid Work

According to a study on remote work, the remote workplace services market is expected to grow 23.8% by 2027. While many people are opting to work from home, that doesn’t mean there is no longer a use for commercial spaces for them. These spaces just look different than they did before. Commercial properties must adapt to remote and hybrid needs. Read on to learn more about the future of workspaces. 

Reduced Square Footage   

Many commercial properties are adjusting to the remote and hybrid shift by reducing their square footage. By getting rid of office space that you don’t need, employers can cut down on overhead costs that are used for operating a building. Reducing square footage is a simple but effective adaptation to the shift to remote and hybrid work. 

Elevating Comfort  

Another option for businesses looking to do something different with their extra square footage is to convert it to elevate comfort. Resimercial designs have a combination of residential and commercial features. They have the traditional desks and office spaces, but can also include flexible seating, kitchen areas, couches, and natural light. This can provide more comfort in the office when employees do come in which can increase productivity. 

More Room for Play     

Some offices are looking to convert offices that are no longer being used into different spaces for their employees. Instead of getting rid of the square footage entirely, some commercial properties are using unused office space as a way to enhance the in-office time. Unused office spaces are being seen as more room for play. Spaces are converted into basketball courts, gyms, and even dog parks as added benefits employees can use when they do come into the office. 

Renting Out Space    

Who says you can’t make money off of your unused space? Rather than getting rid of the space entirely or converting it into something different for your employees, some employers are renting it out. Space can be rented out to other small companies who do not require a ton of space. Or, shared office spaces can also be great for companies who are in temporary need of an office due to a specific project going on in the area.

Still a Need          

While it can feel nice to be at home and work in your pajamas all day, many remote or hybrid workers are looking to take their offices out of their homes. Since people spend so much of their free time at home, it can feel like too much time at home to work there, too. Others prefer getting out of their homes during work to feel more professional and to be in a more structured environment. Though remote and hybrid jobs are booming, there is still a need for commercial spaces for many of these workers. This is just a different kind of commercial property entirely– coworking spaces built specifically for remote and hybrid workers!

There are many different ways to adjust to the growing popularity of remote and hybrid workplaces without wasting commercial space. Interested in keeping up with the future of workspaces? Benchmark Houston Builders can help you adapt your commercial property for remote and hybrid work. Contact or 713-921-2500 today.